Sunday, September 5, 2010

Love or Hatred...Christianity in America

I am astounded by American, and to some extend, European Christians. And this isn't a new thing, I've been baffled for years, but lately what was bafflement is growing into dismay, and horror.

Jesus, whom by name Christians seek to follow, told us to do some very simple things. Love God with everything we have, love our neighbors, feed the hungry, clothe and aid the poor, visit those in prison, share the gospel, forgive others. And while everything in the Bible has merit, it is the words of Christ I feel, as His followers, we should pay most attention to. Put His words up at the top of the list, so to speak, with an asterisk that says...Most important, do these FIRST.

So turn on the tv. And what impression jumps out about American Christians. That they hate, march, protest. That they seek political power, instead of humbly following the commandments of the Savior.

What, you say, I'm wrong? Let's go over the issues on the news currently.

The community center in New York City. And the "Christians" being interviewed speaking on how evil Muslims are, and how we need to kick them out of our towns (yes, I've heard that. I've ever seen, on FB someone call Muslims "dirty Muslims"...I was horrified.) Let us think, for just a mere moment, how Jesus might handle this. I don't recall Him going into the temples of other faiths, and turning over tables, and shouting about them being cleansed. He cleaned up His own temple, His own faith. I believe Jesus knows we can lovingly present the Gospel, but after that, it's the person's choice whether or not to accept it. And if they don't....don't sweat it. Don't get all bothered about their prayers to their god/s, they'll find out on Judgement Day. You did your part, you, with tact and love and soft spoken words shared the Love of the Savior. That's all YOU have to do.

Drive out people of other faiths? NO. Not only did Jesus say NOTHING about that, it's flat out un-American. You want your rights as a Christian to be protected under the law, then don't try and chip away another faith's rights. Because our govt, who happily quietly takes away rights anyway, would be thrilled to get to have power over religious faith and practice. Yes, a few very bad Muslims did a horrific act years ago. I know, I still get a tightening in my throat when I think about that day. But by most reasonable estimates, there are less than 100,000 Muslims actively conspiring or fighting against us and our interests. That's out of over a billion Muslims...1,000,000,000. (That less than 0.01% of the total population.) Maybe it's that I've had Muslim friends, worked with a Muslim before...I can sit back and realize they're not out there for my blood...a small fanatical group is, yes...but come on, as Christians, can we really talk about small fanatical fringe groups that have committed atrocities? And just as I don't feel real Christians committed the Spanish Inquisition, or burned witches at Salem, or hung Quakers for wanting to free slaves, I don't feel "real" Muslims crashed those planes and took those lives. Warped horrible people who used a religion as a guise did those things, just as warped people used Christianity in the past, and still do today...think Westboro Baptist Church.

Another thing that baffles me is gay rights. And yes, the Bible lists it as a sin, as it lists using foul language as a sin, or anger as a sin, or judgement as a sin. We all sin, so get over pointing your fingers and feeling holier than thou. You're not holier than a gay couple living their life together...Christ had to die for your sins too. Under the Biblical Law, you are just as guilty, perhaps even more so, since you know of Christ's commandments, and claim to have a relationship, and still behave this way. I personally do not get what the issue is with gay marriage. Do not get it. I have gay friends (gasp, yes...get over it.) And some of them are married. (gasp, yes...get over it.) Do I feel my marriage to Charles, ten years so far, is worth less because they live happily together?, that would be stupid. Do I feel threatened by the idea of them getting to share insurance, or tax benefits...why would I? The one and only area I am cautious with, in concern to gay marriage, is the very few people who want to be able to force a Church to marry gays and lesbians. There I draw a line, because the Church's rights are being trampled. I'm not Muslim, thus we can't have a renewal ceremony in a Mosque, not Jewish, can't use the Synagogue...Church's are private clubs, so to speak, and should never be forced to marry anyone outside what their personal believes espouse.

A group of believers have every right to get together, worship and believe their own set of beliefs/morals. They can define what a sin is, according to their faith. And no one should have the right to regulate those beliefs, providing.....providing that the group does not feel they can impose their beliefs on anyone else. Take the Christian faith in America, it's pretty wide spread.....there are denominations out there that would say I am sinning right now, because I'm wearing shorts. I disagree with them, but if they all wish to dress a certain way, go for it. But they don't have the right to tell me how to dress. Just as Christians in general, don't have the right to impose our beliefs on someone's choice of partner. Just think of this...your only job, as a Christian, is to love those around you, present the Gospel lovingly, and leave the rest to God. Don't worry about their lifestyle, just share the Gospel and love them. Period.

I know a lot of conservative Christians spend a lot of time networking via media like facebook, sharing their outrage and this and that and the other, and how dare they do this, etc etc etc. Why don't we use our time to do what Christ wants us to do? Just an idea...but hey, He is the Savior right...and if we say we follow Him...maybe we should actually follow His Commandments.

So....go feed the hungry, there are a lot of them out there right now with our economy. Check out Backpacks of Love for a starting place (check my husband's profile, it's a mission we're doing up here, that you can do at home. Fill a bag with some food, maybe a shirt or socks, a Bible...and find a homeless person -they're out there in record numbers- and give it to them with a smile and the words, God loves you, hang in there man) or find your local food bank and volunteer. Your local homeless shelters always need supplies, and volunteers. I know a prison ministry scares a lot of people, but if you can do it, go for it! Visit elderly in retirement homes, who are often lonely and can use the visit, you can brighten their day. And just find quiet thoughtful ways throughout your day to share the Word of our Lord, whether it be a post on Facebook, handing out a tract, telling someone you will pray for them, there are tons of ways....

Pray for the people with whom you disagree with their politics. Don't yell at them, pray for them. Pray over the issues than infuriate you, and ask this my politics or my religion? Should I show an angry face to the world as Christian, or show a loving compassionate face? Which will win more souls for God?

Because...remember, each person you are infuriated at...whether it be a Muslim or a gay man, they too are made in God's image and He loves them. And because He loves them, you are supposed to as well. So how well are you conveying God's love?

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